Our “What”

Our mission is simple: To “Buoy Up” the Water Safety industry by supporting both families needing services, and the Aquatics Professionals that provide them.

Our “Why”

Drowning is the leading cause of preventable death in young children.

Water safety awareness requires a multifaceted approach that combines the education of parents, teachers, community safety leaders and medical professionals, and the efforts of trained water safety professionals.

Aquatics professionals continue to struggle with factors that impact their ability to provide lifesaving swim lessons, trained lifeguards, and access to swimming pools.

Our “How”

We support families that need services by providing scholarships and endowments.

We support swim teachers and lifeguards by providing scholarships, mentorship, networking and professional advancement opportunities.

We support our communities though water safety training, school programs, public education and donations.

Want to help?

Donations are tax deductible, and will go toward swim lesson scholarships, instructor training and certification, and equipment upgrades for facilities in need.


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The Buoy Up Foundation
A 501 (c)(3) Charity Organization
(760) 613-3631

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